HASH TRASH WINS RECORD TENTH PULIZTER PRIZE 2017 DECLARED "YEAR OF THE COCK" by the "COCK OF THE YEAR" After multiple venue changes and back alley negotiations, SEX CHANGE was successfull in obtaining the services of the HOODOO GURUS to play background music at the 2017 Capital Hash AGPU. The Run was cunningly set by the outgoing Stand in stunt double GM and his RA. So cunning that the runners got totes lost on four occasions and only knew where trail was by following and passing the walkers. And so the city of Canberra was invaded by hundreds of head scratching gaudily dressed middle aged former atheletes (Harriets excepted) to the tune of such 1970's pub classics as "What's my scene" and "A thousand miles away" The run reporter, DICKIE KNEE, used the word "lost" a lot. The walk reporter slipped the word "Sophisticated" into the conversation. After the shortest and verseless hare song ever (A bloody disgrace) the old committee were assembled, thanked, handed a cup of nectar in the form of TUN and taken away. Huzzar Huzzar Your new mismanagement is The Grandest of Mattresses: FRIZZY LIZZIE Religious Advisor (God help us): CRASH AND BURN Hash Cash: SUNBEAM Multi award winning Notes: McTRASH Hash Dray: WEATHERMAN Web Master: SQUATTER Haberdash: The PPs, or it could be BUSHMAN and MATILDA Hash Horn: GREASENIPPLE Choir master: SEXCHANGE Hash Flash: SUELLEN and GREASENIPPLE Mugs: FLUID MOVEMENT and POP TART Hash Orgy: FURBALLS Hash Pyro: ANKLE BITER Hastorians: DDHD and MIXO Dogsbody: RAMBO (actually,he's now half a dogsbody) And so, the new reign of terror commenced The First Decree: All charges against ANKLE BITER will be drunk by GERBILS The Second Decree: This will officially be known as the "YEAR OF THE COCK" And so it began - Charges DOUBLE FISTER and NASTY BARSTARD were welcomed as were DICKY KNEE, MANY TONGUES, MITEY, and many more. SEXCHANGE was charged for hashing whilst scottish, SOFT CENTRE dobbed in BIG BOY for not knowing where hash was, then demanding that they go home as it all got to hard for him. FLOOMOO was heard complaining about the amount of bubbles available at the drink stop (bloody hippy), GERBILS was charged - just coz, Due to the number of rabbits at the drink stop, MIXO was charged for not doing his job. SEXCHANGE copped one for almost not having the Hoodoo gurus as the background music. DOUBLE FISTER, MITEY APHRODITE and SEXCHANGE were finally outed for talking in the circle. SUNBEAM tried to bring a charge against SC for interupting his NRL with a venue change text, BOING rebound. EASY ruined EGOs night. CRYING DICK was charged for cumming under FUDGIT, HIDDEN FLAGON was also charged for cumming under FUDGIT and FUDGIT was charged for cumming under FUDGIT. SEXCHANGE was then charged for ruining everyones night. FUDGIT Dobbed, KWINE Dobbed and apparently GERBILS has a small cock. (Honestly, you cant make this shit up) The big Prick went to FUDGET for being under budget, the GM suddenly felt the need to exercise her newly aquired powers and charged SEXCHANGE with disrespect. BUSHMAN had a birthday, SOFTY has been seen to leave 450 times, BIG BOY has been seen to leave 650 times. There was no Cracker of the week On On to the combined Equinoxical run at the Civic pub next week with the Belco mob. And remember; Dead moths make great hang gliders for Bull Ants